A mixture of romance, work and life left to simmer on a weak flame.

"Love - a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker."--Unknown.

"I learned long ago that being Lewis Carrol was infinitely more exciting than being Alice."--Joyce Carol Oates

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Monday, April 17, 2006

Deep Dark Secret #2...

I love, I mean I just love, kick-ass, make the author wanna cry, reviews. Not that I want to read bad books and I certainly don’t want authors to get bad reviews, but when a book sucks, well, give it to me good!

So, for Smart Bitches everywhere, here are some ‘in-your-face’ reviews that are currently in my cache…

Penwyth Curse by Catherine Coulture…Bitched out by TatrD

Taming the Barbarian by Lois Greiman…Semi-bitched by Cheryl Sneed
*The point here is not the review but that it is another bad review for Greiman…am I on to something?

The Naked Duke by Sallie MacKenzie…Bitched out by Candy
Naked Duke

Lord of Fire by Gaelan Foley..Bitched out by Beth

Highland Scoundrel by Lois Greiman…Bitched out by Yours Truly

One Kiss From You by Christina Dodd…Bitched out by Donna Newman
*Dodd gets an F? Hmmm…..interesting.

It Takes a Hero by Elizabeth Boyle…Bitched out by Jennifer Keirans
*Interesting comment made at the end of this review…that some may enjoy it as a madcap comedy. I’ve done that! Read a review where the author HATED the book, I mean hate, and tore it up so wonderfully that I read the book just for the laugh! Maybe I’ll do one of those once a month! Would make a nice twist to the TBR!

Bitchin’ Blog Post:
An oldie but a goodie from KristieJ

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