Let's try this...
Okay, I can't post at school, which is why I haven't been putting posts up. So, I'm trying the new e-mail in your post option. Will be interesting to see if this works. Holly, I know you've done this before, right? If any of you have tips, I'd love to have them.
PS: This counts as my post for the day!
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1 touched me
Oh, exciting!
It's pretty simple. You just type up an email like you would a post and then hit "send". One tip, if you include an HTML coding (bold, italics, links, etc) you need to be sure your email is set to "rich formatting" and not "Plain text". If you have it on the Plain Text one, all your codes will show through.
Otherwise that's it. And YAY, you posted today. Although..I think you're cheating. LOL
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